Getting Started

FAQ | How To Play | Items | Merchants/NPCs
Commands | Hotkeys | PvP | Death | Emotes


What is Crowns of Power?

Crowns of Power features an extensive 3D world, filled with amazing landscapes and environments. The game world is being designed to support hundreds of players simultaneously, with the network capacity to support many game servers. Players will meet up with others from all over the world to fight side by side or opposite one another on the field of battle. Adapt and evolve in this ever changing world, where players self-govern and guide one another. Will you fight for what is just and true, or seek the ultimate desire of man in a quest for absolute power?

How does Crowns of Power differ from other MMOs?

In Crowns of Power, players will have the power to govern themselves in a volatile world where PvP (Player vs Player) combat can be engaged in nearly everywhere you go. With smaller world populations, there will be a sense of community unlike any other game on the market. Players will earn their reputation and role on the server, and be held accountable for their actions. Death will come with a steeper price, and make people think twice before committing acts against the community. As guilds develop, they'll be able to display their power by obtaining Guild Halls that they must maintain and protect, adding another social and contested element to the game.

What does Crowns of Power cost to play?

Absolutely nothing, except of course the time it takes to download the client. Crowns of Power will have no monthly fee, or charges of any kind. Players will have access to a point store where they can purchase account upgrades, or exclusive access to future content, but no credit card or payment will be necessary to participate in the game.

Where does Crowns of Power take place?

Crowns of Power takes place in the 3D fantasy world of Arder. The world is separating into factions, as certain individuals rise, and fall from power. What will your role be in this growingly complicated world?

What is the objective of the game?

The objective of the game is to evolve your character through adventures and quests while obtaining rare and unique items, spells and powers. As you progress, your role in the social and community aspect of the game could take on important roles as people elect fellow players into positions of power. Diplomacy, public relations, and mutual interests of the community will play a huge part in the players experience in Crowns of Power, and provide other means of entertainment that go beyond killing computer controlled monsters and raid encounters. Guilds will also be able to strive towards and obtain guild halls where their guild can meet, train, and even store arsenals in times of war. Guild halls will be able to be attacked and contested by rivaling guilds.

What is the inventory system like?

Players will have 5 backpack slots available to them, each providing a number of inventory spots to store a wide range of items, spells and artifacts. There will also be a vault and bank to store items in that will be universal and accessible from any bank or vault in the game.

How does the combat system work?

Combat is a real-time system, where players will have access to a select number of spells/skills from their spell book at any given time. Each player will also be able to summon up to 4 pets/minions to assist them at level 50.

Are there any servers that are non-PvP?

We don't currently have plans for non-pvp servers as we feel it will be a large part of the game play. We're not ruling out the possibility of having those servers available though, depending on player interest for non-PvP servers.

Can I customize my characters appearance?

Yes. You'll be able to have some options for customization of your character in the character selection screen, as well as point store upgrades for visual customization.

What happens when I die?

When you die, you'll be prompted to either respawn in the nearest Graveyard, or wait until a resurrection is available from another player. Depending on your standing as a citizen in Arder, different penalties will be applied to death. Someone who is labeled as a murderer, for instance, will suffer significantly harsher penalties upon death then an "innocent." These penalties will be in the form of items and gold from your inventory dropping upon death, as well as a potential loss of items from your backpack.

Where will I respawn?

If you don't receive a resurrection, then you'll spawn at the nearest graveyard from where you were when you died.

How is travel in the game?

Travel will mostly be on foot, however we will have mounts available to players in the game as well as ways to travel between cities and long distances.

What classes are available in Crowns of Power?

There are no true classes in Crowns of Power. Instead, players will develop their characters down certain paths of their choosing as they evolve in the world. Players will be able to allot points towards statistics each level, and choose between 5 different schools of magic, where they can mix and match to be a jack of all trades, or pursue a deeper knowledge of one or two specific schools to specialize in. The choice is yours…

How To Play

Here you will find all the basic information and controls you will need to start playing Crowns of Power.

Character Creation:

When entering the create a character screen, you'll be asked to create a name for your character, as well as gender. This name will be how people see you in the world of Crowns of Power. You will be able select different hairstyles as well for your character.

You will start with stat points to allocate to your  any way you choose.

Strength = Increases your attack power with melee weapons.
Stamina = Increases your base hit points.
Agility = Increases your melee critical strike percentage.
Intelligence = Adds to your base spell damage.
Mysticism = Increases your chance to critically strike with spells, as well as reduces the chance your spells will be resisted by your target.

Movement: Crowns of Power uses the WASD format for movement.

W = Forward
S = Backwards
A = Turn Left (strafes when right mouse button is held)
D = Turns Right (strafes when right mouse button is held)
Spacebar = Jump
Left Click = Targets mobs/npcs
Right Click = Attacks/interacts with monsters and NPCs.
Numlock = Auto Run


Grey - Vendor and Quest items. Keep in mind quest items will only drop when you're on that current quest/step.
White - These are common items, such as your recall stone, bread, water, etc.
Green - These are uncommon items, usually giving small stat bonuses.
Yellow - These are rare items, usually giving 2 or more stat bonuses.
Red - These are epic items, usually giving 3 or more stat bonuses.

Exp Per Hour - Each item in Crowns of Power will have an Experience Per Hour stat. Every hour in the game, whether you're online or not, you'll receive the experience total of all your Experience Per Hour items. When this happens, a message will display in your chat saying "You have received XX experience this turn!"


You can interact with NPCs by right clicking on them. Merchants can have a variety of different things for sale, and will often have a title under their name to distinguish what type of merchant they are. For instance, Bob the Banker would have <Banker> under his name.

You can sell things to the merchant by going to buy/sell goods and right clicking on the item in your inventory that you want to sell.

Trainers – Whenever you level, you should go back to your trainer to learn new skills.


/stuck (If by chance you get stuck on or between some objects in the game, you should be able to use this command to free yourself)

/invite *name* (Invites player to your group. If you were going to invite Bob into your group, you would type /invite Bob or target him and type /invite)

/leave (Leaves the current group that you're in)

/safety (Turns your safety on and off. When off you can attack players with white names, which will result in outlaw/murder status. PvP is level 10+)

/kick *name* (Kicks someone from your group. If you wanted to kick Bob from your group, you would type /kick Bob or target him and type /kick)

/disband (This disbands your current group)

/wh *name* *message* (This is the whisper command to send a private message to someone. If you wanted to whisper bob, you would type /w bob Hey Bob)

/zone *message* (This will send a zone wide message. If you were looking for Bob and wanted to ask him where he has, you would type /zone Bob, where are you?)

/world *message* (This will send a world wide message. If you need help and need to find someone, you would type /world I need help. Anyone available?

/say *message* (This is to send a message to people in your immediate area. If you wanted to say Hi to bob while he was near you, you would type /say Hi Bob)

/g *message* (This sends a message to everyone in your current group. If Bob wiped the group, you would say /g What the heck, Bob)

/emote *message* (This performs a custom emote. So if Bob wanted to do an emote about flowers, he would type /emote really loves flowers. It would appear in the chat as “Bob really loves flowers.”)


You can press the B key to open your backpacks.

You can press C to bring up your character information/equipment screen.

You can press the P key to bring up your skills/spells window.

You can press L to bring up your quest log window.

You can press the X key to sit/stand. (Your health/mana regeneration is increased when sitting.)

You can press R to reply to the last person to /whisper you.

You can press G to toggle group chat.

You can press I to load the guild information window.

You can press ESC to close an open window or be prompted to exit the game.

You can press Enter to toggle the chat.

You can press Control-P to take a screenshot, which is stored in .jpeg format in your Crowns of Power folder.

You can press TAB to target and cycle through mobs in front of you.

You can press F1 to toggle targeting between yourself and your pet.


Characters are not eligible to participate in PvP until they reach a minimum level of 20. Once level 20, you will be vulnerable to attacks from other players. You may also attack other players, whether they be innocent or an outlaw/murderer. To attack a player, you have to take your safety off. (See command list)

White Name - This player is an innocent, who has not attacked anyone with a white name.
Orange Name - This person is an outlaw. They have attacked an innocent player, but not killed them. Once a person with an orange name dies, they will return to innocent status
Red Name - This person is a murderer. They have attacked and killed a white named player. When you die, murder status is not removed.


Like most games, there are penalties for death which vary depending on your status. Outlaws take a bigger hit to experience and skills/spells than innocents. Murderers take an even greater penalty to experience and spells/skills.

Innocents (White) - Minimal penalties.
Outlaws (Orange) - Harsh penalties such as dropping stuff in your backpack.
Murderers (Red) - Maximum penalties.


There are two separate messages for each emote, depending on whether or not a target is selected.



FAQ | Items | Merchants/NPCs | Commands | Hotkeys | PvP | Death | Emotes